Friday, November 03, 2006


Days 1 & 2: Change of Plans, Change of Temperature, Change to Longer Nights

Arrived Halloween night. My son Jon was waiting to welcome me to his apartment. He had an olive green sweat suit for me to put on. After a few minutes of talk he took everything I brought down to the basement to wash and dry it on hot. He got bedbug bites at my house and didn't want me to bring critters to NYC. Even my assurance I'd had a fumigator and a recheck didn't reassure him.

The next morning, mild weather which I didn't expect and a lox and cream cheese on bagel with Jon while somehow we got around to "pork barrel" projects built by the Corps of Engineers. He is informed! Then I went to the eye doctor and found he is NOT recommending cataract surgery at this time which left me wondering what I would do with two months in The City. I proceeded to spend 1.5 hrs buying three pairs of socks before walking across town back to the apartment.

Yesterday, the temperature began dropping. I began to savor NYC, literally, at Tiny Thai Restaurant nearby. The lemon grass soup was hot, tangy and full of vegetables. Then had the rest of the lunch, rice and al dente veggies in peanut sauce. There were two people eating on the other side of the restaurant. They finished before I did and when I was ready to leave I found the man had paid for my meal. I asked the waitress if he came in often, she said from time to time, and I said be sure to thank him!

Then I managed to get a library card at the branch two blocks from the apartment. I'll say more about what I'm reading at a later time as I'm back in the library using their computer facility for the last 25 mins the library is open. Just before coming here I went to the Salvation Army thrift shop for some warm clothes. According to the internet, the temps today in NYC are 1 to 8 degrees Celsius. The trees are just starting to turn, I'm in luck.

By 5:30 NYC is dark already which I am finding confusing. Doing a lot of walking. The streets here have more holes in them than in Guanajuato so I have to watch my step. Today I ate a Pakistani lunch..

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